Getting Started on Adobe

Getting Started on Adobe

This page is aimed at helping new users get started on Adobe Experience Platform.

Getting Access

To begin, submit an IT ticket requesting access to Adobe Experience Cloud. Once approved and fulfilled, you will find the tile available on Okta, shown below:

Figure 1: Adobe Experience Cloud tile in Okta

Then, send a request to Pino Gatto to obtain access to Experience Platform as well as access to view the datasets. Once this access request has been processed, the user will now see the Adobe Experience Platform (“AEP”) option available in their Adobe Experience Cloud environment:

Figure 2: Experience Platform option in Adobe Experience Cloud environment

Viewing Datasets

Once in AEP, using the menu along the left-hand side, select “Datasets” to view the available datasets in Adobe:

Select any of the datasets to view the table details and structure information.

Querying Datasets in AEP

To query any of the datasets within AEP, select the “Queries” menu on the left-hand side menu, then select “Create query” on the top right-hand side of the page:

Once here, you are able to use the Query window to query any of the datasets. Note that the environment makes use of POSTGRESQL for querying datasets:

Useful information of app events can be found here.

Querying Datasets from Databricks

To query AEP datasets from Databricks, begin my obtaining your AEP credentials by navigating to the “Queries” menu, then selecting “Credentials” from the tab options at the top of the page:

Then, in a Databricks notebook, insert the query below:

%python driver = "org.postgresql.Driver" database_host = "timhortons.platform-query.adobe.io" database_port = "80" # update if you use a non-default port database_name = "prod:all" # update database as required user = "" #insert from Adobe Credentails (user and password) password = "" #insert from Adobe Credentails (user and password) url = f"jdbc:postgresql://{database_host}:{database_port}/{database_name}" remote_table = (spark.read .format("jdbc") .option("driver", driver) .option("url", url) .option("query", """ SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT _TIMHORTONS.LOYALTY.ID) AS GUESTS FROM analytics_dataset_october_4 WHERE SUBSTRING(_TIMHORTONS.LOYALTY.ID, 0, 7) = 'us-east' AND UPPER(TRIM(EVENTTYPE)) IN ('APP_OPEN','APP_LAUNCH') AND DATE (TIMESTAMP) BETWEEN DATE'2023-10-01' AND DATE'2023-10-31' """) .option("user", user) .option("password", password) .load() ) remote_table.display()


Adobe has several query limitations when extracting data from datasets. See the documentation here where the guardrails are outlined.