Cleanup - Challenge Targeting files
WIP – Measurement notebook to come
We have made an effort to clean up the historical datasets and have them loaded into a single table.
Here are all the tables we have combined and the schema of the new table that would have all of the targeting for Challenges and manually targeted offers
Main table that contains all the targeting information
| MAP TO |
registered_account_id | registered_account_id |
avg_basket_size | avg_basket_size |
freq_rounded | freq_rounded |
p_total_cost | total_cost |
p_num_visits | num_visits |
p_day_part | Empty string if null |
p_local_time | 0 if Null |
p_cross_sell_prods | Empty Array() if null |
p_cross_sell_costs | Empty Array() if null |
p_challenge_type | String |
p_reward_points | reward_points |
segment_name | segment_name |
test_control_flag | test_control_flag |
campaign_id | From offers.api_log_challenge |
offerStartDate | DATE_FORMAT(CAST('2022-06-13' AS DATE), 'yyyyMMdd') |
offerEndDate | DATE_FORMAT(CAST('2022-06-19' AS DATE), 'yyyyMMdd') |
runDate | Partition date key from offers.api_log_challenge |
runId | runid from offers.api_log_challenge |
Cleanup Notebook :
Excel for Cleanup : Historical Targeting Files Cleanup
Run ID would be null when test_control_flag is ‘control’